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Thomas Jefferson

"The reason that Christianity is the best friend of Government is because Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart."

Abigail Adams

"...a true American Patriot must be a religious man... He who neglects his duty to his maker, may well be expected to be deficient and insincere in his duty towards the public."

Letter to husband John Adams 1776

First Lady
Ronald Reagan

"Those who are attacking religion claim they are doing it in the name of tolerance, freedom, and open-mindedness. Question: Isn't the real truth that they are intolerant of religion? They refuse to tolerate its importance in our lives."

Abraham Lincoln

"I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day."



Entered the Union: March 15, 1820 (23) Capital: Augusta
Origin of Name: First used to distinguish the mainland from the offshore islands. It has been considered a compliment to Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I of England. She was said to have owned the province of Mayne in France.
State Nicknames: Pine Tree State • The Vacation State
State Motto: Dirigo (I lead)
State Tree: White Pine State Bird: Chickadee
State Flower White Pine Cone & Tassel State Animal: Moose
State Song: “State of Maine Song" State Cat: Maine Coon Cat
National Parks: 2 • National Forests: 1 • State Parks: 33
Famous for: Lobster, Blueberries, Scenic Coast, Acadia National Park
Famous Mainers: F. Lee Bailey (attorney), John Ford (6 Academy Awards), Melville Fuller (US Supreme Court), Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (poet), Stephen King (writer), Edna St. Vincent Millay (poet), George Putnam (publisher), Kenneth Roberts (novelist)
Animals and Birds: Click on photos of the animals and birdson this page to find out more about them and to hear the sounds they make.
State Fair: Bangor
fall - Rangely
Maine Coon Cat
Maine National Parks
Maine National Forests
Maine State Parks
Maine Tourism
American Folk Festival-Bangor
Maine Historic Sites
Maine Attractions
Skiing in Maine
Fishing in Maine
Hunting in Maine
Listen to Chickadee Song
Maine Photo Gallery - 1 2
Maine Butterfly Gallery
Maine Homeschooling
Maine Resorts
Maine RV Parks
Maine Hotels & Reviews
The Vikings probably discovered Maine 1,000 years ago.
In 1498, France sent many explorers to Maine.  They claimed the area of Canada and Maine, calling it Acadia. In 1604, the first French colony was established on the St. Croix River.
Two wealthy Englishmen, Ferdinando Gorges and John Popham, sent men to explore the Maine coast for England in 1605. Two years later, colonists from England established Popham Colony near the mouth of the Kennebec River. 
France and England fought for control of the New England area during the French and Indian Wars. With English victory, The Treaty of Paris ended all French claims to Maine and most of North America in 1763. 
A scenic seacoast, beaches, lakes, mountains, and resorts make Maine a popular vacationland. There are more than 2,500 lakes and 5,000 streams, plus 26 state parks to attract hunters, fishermen, skiers, and campers.
Eastport is the most eastern city in the United States, receiving the first rays of the morning. 
The first sawmill in the nation was established near York in 1623. York became the nation’s first incorporated city in 1642. 
Maine is the only state in the United States whose name has one syllable. 
More than nine-tenths of Maine's total land area is forested, the highest percentage of forest coverage of any state.
Maine is one of the world's largest pulp-paper producers. Maine turns out wood products from boats to toothpicks.
Maine leads the world in the production of flat tins of sardines, producing more than 75 million of them annually. In 2000, Maine lobstermen landed nearly 53 million pounds of lobster (90% of the nation's lobster supply).
In the 17th and 18th centuries, domestic cats brought over from Europe faced very severe winters in New England, where only the strongest and most adaptable cats survived. The Maine Coon Cat developed into a large, rugged cat with a water-resistant, thick coat and a hardy constitution.
Maine produces 99% of all the blueberries in the country.
An adult Bull Moose stands about 7 feet tall at the shoulders and can weigh over 1,600 pounds. The top of it's antlers may stand as much as 10 feet off the ground and may weigh 60 pounds. Moose can be found feeding in ponds with lots of vegetation on the bottom. They can eat around 30 pounds of food a day.
Maine's Ethnic Roots: French 22.8%, English 21.5%, Irish 15.1%, American 9.4%, Italian 4.6%.
Religion in Maine: 82% Christian (56% Protestant, 25% Catholic, 1% Other), 17% No Religion, 1% Other Religions
Maine has over 5,000 miles of coastline.
Maine has 63 lighthouses.
Maine has over 2,000 Islands.
Maine has more Moose per mile than any other state.
Acadia National Park is the second most visited park in the United States. Second only to Yellowstone.
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving - Thanking God for His blessings
Thanksgiving Day November 27, 2025
In 1621, 52 Pilgrims and approx. 50 Native Americans celebrated a 3-day feast thanking God for His blessings enabling their survival in the New World. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November.
November 30, 2025
Advent begins 4 weeks before Christmas and remembers the longing and waiting of God's people for the coming of the Messiah.
Bill of Rights Day

Bill of Rights Day

December 15, 1791
Bill of Rights Day

Celebrating the 10 amendments to the Constitution which protect individual rights by placing specific limits on government power. These freedoms do not exist in many countries of the world.
Christmas Day
Christmas Day
December 25th Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World. This joyous festival is enjoyed by Christians and nonChristians alike all over the world.